Monday Apr 01, 2019
ThinkStopper #19 W/ Yoshi Obayashi
Monday Apr 01, 2019
Monday Apr 01, 2019
Boom, Pow,Pang, we got ourselves a golden right here! Thanks everyone for your support, keep it up, share the podcast, spread the word, I enjoy the hell out of all this and can't wait to do more and get better at it. Thanks again!
We are here on this episode with none other than the Legend that is Yoshi Obayashi!!! Yes I said it, Legend! Yoshi is a hard hitting, down to earth guy, with tons of stories, comedy and non comedy, that are truly fascinating. He's from Japan and got started in Comedy here in the states, he's spent a lot of time working in the adult film industry on the production side and the marketing side. He's also been on some of the biggest stages around in todays comedy, Yoshi's worked with Russel Peters, Dave Attel, he's been on Fore Rogans podcast a few times, as well as done shows with Joey Diaz, this list goes on and on, we're truly lucky he was able to hang out and talk with us before his show . In this episode we sit down and have a chat, and let it develop on it's own. It felt like we really started getting things popping around the start of the second hour.
Yoshi signed off with something very powerful, and it's what we're all about. I can't wait to have him back on again and have him really get into some storytelling. He was really into Mikey's bailbonds adventures, myself included. Maybe we have Mikey do an episode with other bail bondsmen and tell crazy stories, that might work. Until then, enjoy this one.
you can' find Yoshi on all social media platforms at @YoshiObayashi
us on iTunes, stitcher, google play, youtube, and podbean. soon to be on spotify, we'll see. Thanks again everyone, peace! - Trez Mala
@trezmala on all social media!